Brooke Singer will partner with the Center for Health, Environment, and Justice (CHEJ) to create a next generation application for, a data visualization archive of the worst toxic-waste sites in the United States. Singer will develop both an online platform and mobile application with features that allow users to easily upload and contribute content as well as search and access information concerning a site’s history, contamination, and remediation. Through CHEJ’s expertise in training and coalition building, project partners hope that communities living near a Superfund site will use these platforms as a tool for sharing their experiences and connecting with one another without the need for intermediaries so that they can effectively advocate for better conditions and environmental policies.
Brooke engages technoscience as an artist, educator, nonspecialist, and collaborator. Her work lives on- and offline in the form of websites, workshops, photographs, maps, installations, public art, and performances that often involve participation in pursuit of social change. She is associate professor of new media at Purchase College, State University of New York; a former fellow at Eyebeam Art + Technology Center (2010–11), and co-founder of the art, technology, and activist group Preemptive Media.